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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

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Some Facts about Gold and it's Trading

Old Gold Coins
Some Facts About Gold And it's Trading

Of the 92 natural elements constituting the earth's crust, gold is the 58th in terms of rarity.
Each State of the United States possesses some gold deposits.

Lorque gold is used as currency, governments try to regulate it and control it but it is always difficult ... when Roosevelt gold rose from $ 20.67 to $ 35 in 1934, the dollar immediately lost 40% of its value.
But from 1786 to 1933, the U.S. government has controlled the rising price of gold, they spent $ 17.92 to $ 20.67. An increase of 15% compared to the official gold last 141 years. Thus, U.S. GDP increased by about 28.000%.

In 1542,in a week, Francisco Pizarro took over the Inca gold that European miners produced in a year. The conquistadors brought so much gold in the New World to Europe that they increased the supply of gold by 500% and it caused the first inflation index l @ Or Other Inflations was caused by the sudden intake of gold in the 19th century, during the period of the gold rush in the U.S. and Australia.
When used commercially, the wear of gold is about 18 years.

It seems that most of the gold coins used in trade between the U.S. and the West Indies before the American Revolution were 15 to 20% lighter. Crooks and marketers kept the gold pieces in a bag so as to make it shook the dust (A particle which accumulates in gold)- called to sweat the pieces. And they sold the coins to their market value while making a profit… - Thanks to the Gold Dust.

For many years, banks sent gold coins in England starting in the United States and vice versa to maintain commercial exchanges.

Gold Trading - Facts
Gold is not only valuable, but pure gold is also very, very sweet. So sweet, in fact, a single gram can be tired in a sheet of one square meter! If ever one day you have a bit of pure gold play with (you want, eh?), remember these sensational following facts:-

  1. ·         The pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands
  2. ·         Sixty-five percent of all the gold in circulation has been extracted since 1910.
  3. ·         A medical study in France during the early twentieth century suggests that gold is an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.
  4. ·         Gold is so malleable that it can be made into thread.
  5. ·         Gold is edible.

The largest gold nugget ever found is the "Welcome Stranger" discovered by John Deason and Richard Oates in Australia February 5, 1869. The nugget is 25 by 63 cm and 2.248 ounces of pure gold. She was found only 5 centimeters below the ground.

Gold is chemically inert, which also explains why it never rusts and does not cause skin irritation. If gold jewelry irritate the skin, it is likely that the gold was mixed with at least one other metal.
30cm cube Golden weigh half a ton. The biggest gold bullion in the world weighs 200 kg.

The Incas believed that gold represented the glory of their Sun God and the precious metal and called the tears of the sun. Because gold was not yet used to the money, love for the gold of the Incas was purely aesthetic and religious.

Around 1200 BC, the Egyptians used sieves sheepskin clipped to extract gold dust from the sandy Black Sea. This practice has very probably meant to being sucked the inspiration of the "Golden Fleece."
There are over 400 references to gold in the Bible, including specific instructions from God to cover the furniture with <l'or pur>. Gold is also mentioned as one of the gifts of the Magi.
The Greeks thought that gold was a combination of water and sunlight.
During the fourteenth century, gold melted duck with bits of crushed emeralds and was used as a drink to cure the bubonic plague.
In 1511, King Ferdinand of Spain coined the phrase timeless: "Get gold, humanely if possible, but at all costs, get gold."
The Greeks and the Jews have begun to practice alchemy 300 before JC.La research to transform base metal into gold peaked in the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance.
The San Francisco 49ers were so named in honor of minors gold rush of 1849.
Gold and copper were the first metals to be discovered by humans around 5000 BC and are the only two metals that are not of a white color (In the purest form).
The greatest global stock of gold can be found five stories underground below the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, she holds 25% of the world's gold (540,000 gold bars). Although it contains more gold than Fort Knox, the majority belongs to foreign governments.
The "troy ounce" of gold comes from the French city of Troyes, who first created a system of weights in the middle Ages, which were used for precious metals and gemstones. A troy ounce is 480 grains. A grain is exactly 64.79892 mg.
Gold is extremely thoughtful: Since this metal to completely Reflected infrared rays, it is also a good conductor of heat energy.